CSIE: Introduction to Computers (II)

Project 1, Due 4/25 (delayed, Tuesday)


Example files: tic_tac_toe.c, tic_tac_toe.exe

1. This is a simple game familiar as an o-x game.  There is a 3*3 grid of nine compartments, in which one player marking x's and one marking o's take turns filling the grid until one has placed three markers in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. 

2. Use tic_tac_toe.c as the template.  Try to design the C function


such that your program can be smarter than a random-step player as the template shows.

3. Ftp your homework to


in the directory upload\PJ1

by the following format:


例如:資工同學,Project 1

    檔案名稱:pj1_CS_a0935533_01_0221.c, or pj1_CS_a0935533_01_0221.xxx (depending on the file type)

The password is given in class.