Digital Image Processing

Homework 4, Due 2014/5/19

 Problem 1

Blurring prior to resizing

Write a program to blur and then resize the image. (Figure 4.17, Page 253)

(a) Resize the image to 50% of its original size using the resizing method in Exercise 1 of Lab 1.

(b) Blur the image with a 3*3 averaging filter using the Averaging Filter in Lab 3, and then resize the image to 50% of its original size using the resizing method in Exercise 1 of Lab 1.



Problem 2

Show the spectrum and phase

Write a program to perform to show the spectrum and phase of a rotated rectangle. (Figure 4.25(c), Page 269)

(a) Rotate the rectangle using the result of Problem 2 in Homework 2.

(b) Show the spectrum and phase.





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