Digital Image Processing

Homework 3, Due 4/26


Problem 1

Histogram Matching

Specify a desired histogram as Figure 3.25(a) on Page 138 and then perform the histogram matching.



Problem 2

Enhancement Using the Laplacian

Write a program to perform unsharp masking. (Figure 3.38, Page 163)

(a) Laplacian without scaling.

(b) Laplacian with scaling.

(c) Image sharpened using the mask in Fig. 3.37(a).

(d) Image sharpened using the mask in Fig. 3.37(b).



Problem 3

Combining Spatial Enhancement Methods

Write a program to perform a combination of spatial enhancements. (Figure 3.43, Page 170)

(a) Fig3.43(a).bmp

(b) Laplacian of (a).

(c) Adding (a) and (b)

(d) Sobel gradient of (a)

(e) Smoothed with a 5*5 averaging filter of (d)

(f) Product of (c) and (e)

(g) Sum of (a) and (f)

(h) Applying a power-law transformation to (g)



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